Cienta's congratulations

Our Best Wishes for 2019

There are very few days to close this 2018 and start an exciting new year, and from Cienta we want to take this moment to thank you for your trust in us and wish you the best for 2019.
This has been a very special year for us. With our ecological footwear for boys and girls we have contributed to the production of sustainable fashion that helps to improve the health of the environment. And that sense of commitment makes us feel responsible and respectful with the environment.

For that reason we thank all those who choose ecology as a solution to an increasingly severe and crucial climate change with the planet. The eco footwear is a decision of responsibility and a good praxis of education and culture for the smallest, which is to whom we must seek a better future.

In 2019 we will continue to transfer our ecological philosophy to all our footwear so that, together, we can contribute to building a sustainable planet. That is our desire and commitment.

For the rest, we wish you much happiness and success in all your challenges and illusions.

Happy New Year!

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